To Complete the RAZOR receiver blank you'd need to:
- Drill two 3/16 Cross Pin through holes
- Drill one 1/4 inch Rear Bolt Stop Pin
through hole
- Drill one #16 wire bit through hole and tap
receiver to stock hold down screw hole (#12-24 tpi thread)
- Drill two #16 wire bit and tap barrel
retaining V-Block through holes (#12-24 tpi thread).
- Drill open (recess) the openings of
the two barrel
retaining V-Block holes .700 deep (1/4 inch bit)
- Drill/bore the barrel hole to 11/16, it will be
center drill/spotted and pre-faced for correct head spacing
- Drill a 5/16ths x 1/4 inch deep magazine
detent hole (requires long drill bit)
- Spot Drill 1/16th deep the bolt return spring rod seat
with 1/8th drill bit (requires long drill bit)
Select Fire provides a tool kit to complete
the drill work, it includes all the drill bits and the #12 - 24 tpi tap
required for the stock and V-Block screws.
The RAZOR receiver blank tool kit includes the following items:
- 1 3/16th drill bit
- 1 1/4 inch drill bit
- 1 #16 wire drill bit
- 1 #12 - 24 tpi tap
- 1 6" long 43/64 ths
drill bit (3/8 inch shank)
- 1 8" long 5/16ths
drill bit
- 1 8" long 1/8th
inch drill bit
- 1 5" long 11/16 Reamer 3/8
Receiver Tool Kit